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Name of the Company : Polaris Financial Technology Limited
Website ur : www.Polarisft.com
Qualification : BE/ B.Tech/ MCA
Experience : Freshers
Location of the job : Chennai
Location of Interview : Chennai
Qualifications/ Required Skills:
- Candidate should be 2013/2014 passedout
- Candidate should Completed BE/BTech in CS/IT branches only eligible and MCA
- Good Should have 75% aggregate in SSC , 12th and 65% in Graduation
Interview Process:-
Aptitude, Techincal , HR
Walkin Date: 22nd June 2014
Walkin Time: 8:00 AM
Walkin Venue :
Polaris Financial Technology Limited
Foundation’’, 34, Rajiv Gandhi Salai ,
Navallur- Chennai- 603103
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